I've taken quite a lot of pictures of spiderwebs on this trip, but this was the nicest and largest spiderweb i've ever seen. It rained that morning, so the water droplets made the web very visible. This was taken when i was at the balcony of my room looking at the surrounding areas.
The place where i stayed was another wooden room. These rooms are creaky and are completely non-soundproof. And like the room at Panorama Hotel, there are signs that say “禁止烟火” but ironically, you can find an ashtray on the table.View from the balcony.
鼓楼, a meeting point for the people, another iconic architecture of the Dong people.
I headed back to 桂林 later on in the day cause i planned to take a train back to 杭州 from there. I bought a ticket for the 2.37am train so i had lots of time on my hand to explore the city. It's pretty amazing that you have mountains right in the city itself unlike Singapore.
I caught my first movie in China at 桂林. The movie was Slumdog Millionaire even though i've downloaded it but have yet to watch. I figured that since it won Best Picture at the Oscars, it should garner a viewing at a cinema but unexpectedly, the movie was actually dubbed in Mandarin. Luckily, there were quite a bit of Hindi dialogue in the movie and those were left intact.
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