Getting Acquainted with Hangzhou

. Monday, February 23, 2009

It's around a week and a half since i've arrived in Hangzhou and i'm starting to get acquainted with the city. The road names, shopping malls, transport system, food....

Road names here are vastly different from those in Singapore simply because they are all in Chinese. The "Orchard Road" of Hangzhou is called 延安路. So that day when i was being introduced by 家維 and 姣龍 to the rest of the group, they were asking which "yan" was it, and they conveniently said 延安的延, when i was still thinking of what to say. But that's contextual, can't use that anywhere else. Normally i'll have said 延續的延. Yar, and i think someone commented that it's 奇怪. Quite lar...

ZJU's school motto is 求是創新 and it's printed on one of the page of the student pass. So that day, i was asking Junyuan and Pika what is NUS's motto but nobody seems to know what is it. 

I went to collect my passport today from the PSB in charge of these kind of stuff because i need another visa to re-enter China when i return from Singapore. The first time i went there was by cab with 陳震, Pika and Junyuan and after that, we went to 吳山廣場. This time, i took a bus there, two buses in fact. Not entirely smooth but i got there in the end. 

Not much pictures yet, will try to take more. Going 西湖 tomorrow, or rather in the day later~


Anonymous said...

hey i thk NUS has no motto leh. vision, mission, yes la. but no motto.

