Day 6 - 17 Apr, Friday: 阳朔

. Tuesday, April 28, 2009

桂林米粉, something that i had a lot in Guangxi, because it's cheap and it's everywhere.
Initially, my plan was to take a raft down 遇龙河, with a bicycle in tow, and then cycling on to 月亮山 but since i've taken a raft the previous day and it wasn't economical for me alone to take a raft cause a raft can take 2 people, i changed my plan for the day to cycling along 遇龙河. 遇龙河 is a river that runs through the 阳朔 region and some say the view along the river is even better than the Li River.
Nice scenery.
Reflections in the fields. Like how i've mentioned in an earlier post, this was a common sight...
My plan to cycle along the river changed but this somehow along the way cause i lost the way although i was still in the general direction towards 月亮山 but i was pretty happy with myself, cause i was enjoying the ride in the countryside, away from the tourists again. And that's a big U.
Down the neverending road...
I came to this point when i could easily follow the highway to 月亮山 but the fields looked really good. At that point in time, it looked as if there was another world hidden if i went through the fields to the area behind mountains (not seen in this pic), which i did go to explore.
And there was a village over there.

Dangerous bridge.
Buffaloes presumably cooling themselves in the water.
And i found a small factory where people were making fake grapes from styrofoam balls.
So much balls that you can even swim in them.
It was only later that i found out that 月亮山 was one of those jagged mountains in the distance. 
月亮山 at last.
Climbing stairs has never been my forte. It was really tiring to go up to the top.
Mountains everywhere.
Against the moon.
The fields looked really nice from above.
I wonder how's the view from the hot air balloon?


